
September 24, 1945 – December 10, 2023
I’m very sad to report that Dave has peacefully passed away.

Dave’s obituary: https://www.donaldsonfunerals.com/obituary/David-Drake

For those of you who would like to contribute to a charity, Jo and Jonathan ask that you please donate to the Blackhorse Scholarship Fund. It was something Dave was very proud of and they think he would approve of that. Thanks!

Dear People,

I hope this website will provide a little background to readers who want to know something about me. I’m not trying to sell you books. I figure if you’re here, you’re probably interested in my work. If you’re not, huckstering won’t change it, and it sure isn’t something I’m comfortable doing. Come in and have a look.

–Dave Drake

For Dave’s Memorial Celebration, here are some lines from Vergil, a poet he loved:

In freta dum fluvii current, dum montibus umbrae
lustrabunt convexa, polus dum sidera pascet,
semper honos nomenque tuum laudesque manebunt, . . .

Vergil, Aeneid I:607-609

And for which I adapt a phrase from Catullus:
Ave atque vale, amice.

Sandra Miesel

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