Newsletter #137

DrakeNews #137 November 2023

Dear people,

The long view: covid and my series of mini-strokes have caused me to revisit items from my past.  For example, the Library of America recently reprinted crime novels of the fifties. Some of them were books or authors I’d read at the time.

In addition, I noticed that at my recent 78th birthday dinner an awful lot of those present have been friends for forty years. It is significant that I don’t change a lot over the years. I don’t claim that as a virtue, though I feel it is one. I have a long memory. This certainly isn’t a virtue when somebody else remembers another way and I refuse to change my belief. Sometimes it’s clearly a good thing though, being able to remember events in the army. Not so much because they gave me a career, not so much because of specific incidents as by giving me the feel of a war zone. That’s really different from normal life.

In the ’80s we as a family watched Moonlighting on TV and I thought now I would like to stream old episodes. It turned out that the episodes weren’t available for streaming. A few days ago, Jonathan told us that Moonlighting is available now. The change may have something to do with Harvey Weinstein’s legal problems. We’ve started watching it again. It is witty and fast- moving, just as I recalled.

–Dave Drake

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