This volume features all of the Hammer’s Slammer short fiction, as well as all of the interstitial material from the original Slammers collection, new artwork and new interstitial material. Volume 1 also features an introduction by Gene Wolfe and an original Slammers story, “A Death in Peacetime.”
* Introduction by Gene Wolfe
* Foreword: Becoming a Professional Writer by Way of Southeast Asia
* Under the Hammer
* Supertanks
* The Butcher’s Bill
* The Church of the Lord’s Universe
* But Loyal to His Own
* Powerguns
* Caught in the Crossfire
* Backdrop to Chaos
* Cultural Conflict
* The Bonding Authority
* Hangman
* Table of Organization and Equipment, Hammer’s Regiment
* Standing Down
* Code-Name Feirefitz
* The Interrogation Team
* The Tank Lords
* Liberty Port
* Night March
* The Immovable Object
* The Irresistible Force
* A Death in Peacetime
* Afterword: Accidentally and by the Back Door
The Complete Hammer’s Slammers, Volume 1. Hammer’s Slammers Series. 2006, San Francisco, CA: Night Shade Books. 395 p. 189238969X. $35.00.
————– Limited ed. 2006, San Francisco, CA: Night Shade Books. 395 p. 1892389703. $60.00.
————– 2009, Riverdale, NY: Baen. 516 p. 9781439133095 (tp). $12.00.