Dear People,
I’m not back to writing, but I thought I’d do another newsletter. Karen tells me she just meant for me to pause in the regularly scheduled newsletters, and Christmas seems a good time for an update specially since I was very slow getting a card image and then the finished cards didn’t arrive.
I still can’t concentrate and my typing is terrible. I’ve thought of using voice commands or dictating to a typist. (my wife was the first to volunteer). I didn’t go that way because the real problem is that I can’t think.
All my life I’ve been smart, but that’s no longer true to the same standards. I continue to take the Geneaire supplement and work out with my son, and the combination has physical deterioration on hold. I can’t tell you how much I regret being dull and unable to write; but I’ve got comfortable savings and no debts.
Also I’ve got great fans, some of whom have become friends. I’ve visited a swathe of the world with them. Some of the regular tourist sites like the Parthenon but others off trail like the Bovington tank museum. With the Knights I saw also the Kasbah in Algiers, and more recently traveled to Rome and Mycene. (They’ll come to the beach with us this year also. Good friends for a long time.)
Folks have really rallied round with my health problems There’s not a darned thing they can do, but I appreciate it.
Things seem to be settling down in this country after a rough year in a lot of fashions. I hope you and yours individually are doing well.
And go out and be nice to other people–even if you don’t agree with them. Maybe especially then.
All best
Dave Drake
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