Newsletter -1

DrakeNews #-1 September 2024

Even after 9 months it is difficult not to imagine that Dave is outside downstairs on the lower deck with his books and computer. If he were writing this newsletter he would probably report how Hurricane Debbie brought enough rain to fill our pond, which has a respectable frog population. He would probably also mention the number of hummingbirds that have found the feeders this year.

He would also happily report that Audible renewed contracts for 35 titles and Baen still has most of his books available in print. Other publishing news this year is “The Complete John the Balladeer” in a very nice two volume edition from Haffner Press. These are the “Silver” John stories by Manly Wade Wellman.

It is still a bit of a shock to feel responsible for Dave’s literary estate and also Manly’s. The University of Iowa will be accepting some of Dave’s manuscripts and correspondence for the Archive that had been started a number of years ago. Manly’s papers are archived at Brown University.

There was no meteor; Dave died quietly in his sleep December 10, 2023. The family and a small number of friends will be gathering September 22 for a Celebration of Life. This is the Sunday closest to his birthday when he would have invited his friends to celebrate with a pig picking. Dave’s ashes will be scattered as he wished under the oak tree near where Jim Baen’s ashes were scattered in 2006. He often said he never wished to leave this place.

We all miss him. We thank everyone who remembers him and enjoys the many books and stories he has written.

As he would say, “Ride easy!”

All best,
Jo Drake
PO Box 904
Chapel Hill NC 27514

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